Get Muddy in 2015 with Pretty Muddy!
UncategorizedReason To Play5k, cancer, mud, mud run, muddy, Obstacle Race, pretty muddy, pretty muddy women's run, race, racing, run, runner, Running, susan g- komen, train
Willits Classic 5k Race Recap
Race RecapsReason To Play5k, 5k race recap, athlete, first place, nike, nikerunning, north coast striders, race, run, Running, striders, train, willits classic, win
7 Tips for Making Winter Running Bearable
Cardio/RunningReason To Playcold, Feetures!, fiterazzi, fitness, layers, pound the pavement, Road Runners Club of America, RRCA, run, runner, running footwear, winter running, wool
Prana Love
Product ReviewsReason To Playcalm, fitapproach, fitness, flexibility, meditate, Prana, review, stretch, sweatpink, taketheleap, workout, yoga, yogi
What to do First in the Gym - Cardio or Weights
Cardio/Running, StrengthReason To Play13-1, cardio, Goals, gym, health, PR, routine, weight training, weights, workout
Let's Bring Yoga Back
What #LikeAGirl Means to Me
Take the Leap - 30 Days of Yoga Challenge
Find Inspiration from Spartan Races with their New Podcast
UncategorizedReason To Playchallenge, giveaway, Joe Desena, Obstacle Race, podcast, race, run, spartan beast, Spartan Race, spartan sprint
Stairs are a Girls (and Boys) Best Friend!
Cardio/Running, StrengthReason To Playbasketball, fitness, glutes, legs, nike, run, Running, stair climbing, stairs, strong, track, train, workout
It's Never Over Until It's Over
Becoming a Student of Running
Reflections & Goals
UncategorizedReason To PlayGoals, nike, Nike training club, nikewomen, Personal Trainer, resolutions, run, Running, train, washington
Permission to Let Go
Winter Safety and Defense for Runners
UncategorizedReason To Playattack, fight, night running, reflective, run, Running, safety, self defense, taekwondo, ukiah
Turn That Treadmill Off for Killer Results
Stuff that Stocking - A Runner & Fitness Enthusiast's Dream!
Product ReviewsReason To PlayFeetures!, fitapproach, holidaysweat, jbl speaker, massage roller, nathan waterbottle, Nike Running, nike running gloves, noexcuses, Nuun Hydration, nuun hydration tabs, pocketfuel, run, runner, Running, showerpill, stocking stuffers, sweat pink, sweatpink, Zooma Napa Valley, Zooma Run
Zooma Race Napa Valley Flash Sale!
Don't Be Afraid to Try New Workouts, Here's Why!
UncategorizedReason To Playcross fit, drills, gym class, hiit, muscles, Nike training club, NTC, Personal Trainer, run, trainer, workout, zumba
Track Attack Monday!