Reflections & Goals

2015 is here and I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I'm excited about this coming year and what it holds for me in my professional and personal life. This month I start as a personal trainer and I couldn't be more excited to start helping people live healthier and (in my opinion) more fulfilling lives. With that said, these first few days of 2015 I have been forced to relax as I came down with the flu. So instead of running, training and working, I'm going to plan what the next few months hold and set a few goals. 2014 ended really well. I had a nice Christmas with family and got some fun training in with my husband. We did the Nike Training Club workouts and T25 workouts from Shaun T. I really like both of these workouts for travel because you don't need any equipment to do many of them. You just need a small space to workout and enough room to move your arms and legs without hitting anything. I highly recommend downloading the Nike Training Club app for your mobile phone. You will never have an excuse for not working out while traveling ever again!

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I went for a few runs while up in Washington and found it fun to bundle up for a run for once. It was pretty cold up north and since moving to California, I miss the chillier days. We went upriver one day and explored this fun trail overlooking the canyon. I wish I could have ran here more, but it was just too far away and required a boat ride to get here!


Since coming home and now recovering from the flu, I have been thinking about my goals for the future. It's definitely going to be a new and exciting year. Last year my goals were to become a personal trainer and running coach and I studied and completed those certifications in November and have recently started training at Anytime Fitness. I also wanted to teach Nike Training Club classes in San Francisco. I am still working on this goal and hoping that 2015 will lead to an NTC certification!


As for my personal training goals. I want to increase my speed in running, but more than that, I want to run injury free. 2014 seemed to be a year of injuries and setbacks for me. I want to focus on full body conditioning to help make myself stronger all around. This will mean staying strong with my own personal strength and conditioning goals outside of running. When I was in college and played on the basketball team I was incredibly fit and strong because along with basketball practice, running, sprints and dribbling drills, we also did strength and stretching work. I want to get back to my college fitness, working to be better everyday.

I'm still working on setting small goals to work on each month, but these are a start and give me ideas for the direction I need to go. Have you set any goals recently? What are they?