Permission to Let Go

You are never too old to have some fun on a run. Last week I paused during my run and took a moment to play! As an adult, I know I often get caught up in the business of my life, but every now and then I give myself permission to just let go. Seeing an empty playground, I took the opportunity to play around and hang around just a bit on the bars. It was worth every second. the second half of my run home felt so much more free and light as well. When you give yourself permission to let go, everything just seems to fall into place. IMG_6609

Following the success I felt on my run I decided to play a bit in the Seattle Airport on my way to visit family for Christmas. I put myself in the shoes of a child and allowed myself to be excited about the small things, like the awesome role-poly Seahawk pillow pictured below!


We don't always have to be so set in our ways and take everything seriously. Take a chance and give yourself permission to see the world through innocent eyes. Be brave enough to let go and release your inner child. You'll be so glad you did! Plus, playgrounds offer a great workout! Use the bars for pull-ups and hanging sit-ups, climb up the slide for resistance, etc. Give yourself permission to play and you won't be disappointed!

Merry Christmas!