Track Attack Monday!


Post-Thanksgiving let down. It happens to most of us. Overeating and under-exercising. I know that I ate more sweets than I usually do this past weekend and now it's time to burn those calories and get back into racing shape. Especially with the CIM Relay coming up this Sunday. I have been struggling with recurring injuries and just a sense of sluggishness lately but I want to turn the upcoming days around and rekindle my fire for life and running. I have to look back on the past few years, the ups and downs, opportunities and failures to really see how far I have come. I still have a very long way to go to reach my goals and I plan on stepping up my training and learning from the past and using it to grow and succeed in my new endeavors. With that in mind I'm hitting the track and I'd love to have you join me wherever you are.

Track Pass

I had to pull out this photo of me crushing my 800m repeat on the track at Nike World Headquarters this past May to give myself some extra motivation today. Want to kick your training up a notch? Try this track workout to help put some speed in your legs.

Track Workout:

1 mile warm-up

6x100m sprints (1-1 recovery ratio for all drills - for example, sprint 100m and slow jog or walk 100m and repeat)

3x200m sprints

2x400m sprints

1x800 m sprint

1 mile cool down jog

10 minutes of varied stretching exercises (calves, hamstrings, etc...)

Let me know when you complete the workout by commenting or tagging me on Twitter with your success! Together we can achieve great things!

~Happy Running!