Turn That Treadmill Off for Killer Results

Yes, you read that title right. It's time to leave the treadmill off. I don't mean stay off of it, I just mean use your leg power, core strength and mental toughness to power that treadmill all by yourself. So many times I have caught myself at the gym slacking off on a treadmill workout. Some days I am just tired and my body can't push hard, but when I feel myself slacking for no other reason than the fact that I don't want to stress myself, I turn the treadmill off and force myself to work! I honestly think that self-powering a treadmill is one of the toughest workouts you will ever do. My legs always scream at me, even after just 20-30 seconds of treadmill sprinting. The best workout for getting the ultimate treadmill burn is a Tabata inspired circuit with the treadmill turned off.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! To successfully power the treadmill with only your legs and feet, stand on the treadmill, lean slightly forward, use your hands to grip the sidebars and help you push and stay stable on the treadmill. (You will have your hands on the sidebars during the full sprint to maintain balance and momentum). Push as hard as you can starting at your core, down through your legs and feet. Try to go as fast as you can for the full time.


Treadmill Tabata Workout

(Remember to leave treadmill turned off!)

Warm-up with 10 minutes of easy jogging.

Repeat the following circuit 3 times:

  • 20 seconds of a full-out sprint - powering the treadmill with only your feet and legs. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat this 8 times. (20 seconds on - 10 seconds off - repeat 8 times before moving onto the next drill).
  • Step off treadmill and hold a plank for 1 minute.
  • Bicycle crunches for 1 minute.
  • Push-ups for 30 seconds.

Cool down with 5 minutes of light jogging and dynamic stretching. You are really going to want to focus your stretching on your hamstrings and calves.

This workout may seem easy at first, but trust me, you'll be feeling the burn right away! Do this whenever you need to rev up your workouts and shred your muscles! For a bigger challenge, repeat the circuit up to 5 times. Good luck!