Unbelievable Joy
Karen Poole#98daystoshine, Ambassador, Athleta, Contest, Dreams, Nike, Nuun, Success, Tennis, US Open, career, espnW, jobs, passions, running
Failure is a Choice
Olympic Inspiration
Title IX Made My Dreams Possible
Motivational Monday
Bay to Breakers!
Karen PooleBay to Breakers, Nike Plus, Nike, Nike+, Run, Success, Victory, Where's Waldo, goals, running
Motivational Tuesday
What I Learned from Baylor
Shawn Johnson NTC Challenge
Karen PooleChallenge, NTC, Nike Training Club, Nike Women, Nike, Shawn Johnson, Stretching, Success, goals, running
Perfect Pull-ups
The Passionate Pursuit
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Karen PooleDreams, Failure, Inspiration, Nike Women, Nike, Success, fitness, michael jordan, steve jobs, sweat
Failure Brings Success