Title IX Made My Dreams Possible

I have been involved in sports since grade school. I loved challenging myself and my strengths and weaknesses. I never had to fight for the right to play, I just did. Today we are celebrating 40 years of Title IX, the law that allowed women to be treated equally in sports, essentially to receive the same opportunities as men. It's a great day to celebrate life and the opportunities we are given.

My blog is called Reason to Play because to me this blog shares the reasons I love sports, participate in athletics, and workout every day. Without Title IX giving me opportunities I wouldn't be where I am today.

I did gymnastics in grade school, basketball and volleyball in high school and played basketball on my university team. My right to play was never questioned. I want to thank all those who went before me and sacrificed to make the right to sports equal for women.

Now I am out of college and into the workforce. I work for the World Team Tennis League, which was started by Billie Jean King to promote equality in sports. I am always amazed at how much she has done for every woman out there who wants to be involved in sports. I am glad there were women willing to sacrifice for the future, to fight for a better world through sport.

I was recently given the opportunity to train with Nike Women as an ambassador for the Nike Women's Marathon. Without Title IX creating opportunities for women this race may have never come into existence and I may have never had this opportunity. Thank you to everyone who has supported Title IX and to the Nike Women team for embracing everything that Title IX stands for and providing an opportunity for me to excel in sports. I am forever grateful to you all for giving of yourself to #maketherules of sport change for the better.