Weekend Warrior?

Enjoying a beautiful day at the wedding!

This last weekend I spent cooped up in a car on a weekend wedding road trip. This trip really cut into my fitness and Nike Women's Marathon training time. I probably needed to take a break and just rest my muscles, but I sure didn't want to.

Sitting in the back seat of a Ford Focus for eight to nine hours is not my idea of fun. Plus, we drove in the evening and early mornings so my sleep schedule took a hit too. Needless to say, I didn't progress very far in my workouts this weekend. Apart from my Friday morning track workout, I was pretty much stuck sitting all weekend.

Don't think I didn't enjoy the wedding, it was gorgeous and definitely worth the sacrifices, it just didn't coincide with my training. I just want to answer the questions I have been asking myself. What does this mean for all my hard training? Am I back at square run, starting all over again?

I know that I should have found a way to workout, but I honestly didn't have any opportunities. So in answer to my first question, I think all my hard training was simply put on pause. I didn't take a week, a month or even a year off. I only took off Saturday and Sunday. I can survive this and maybe even turn it into my advantage. I haven't stumbled off my path, I just took a short detour. Life happens and we just have to be prepared mentally and physically to handle the challenges that this brings.

So am I starting all over again? No, I don't think that is possible. I definitely have some catching up to do. Veggies were top priority on my list of supper food tonight, and sleep will be coming soon. With a big day of running planned tomorrow, I will be hopping back into my regular schedule in no time. I am just thankful that this wedding was the week before Nike Women's Marathon training began. Nothing will be getting in my way for that training plan.

I'm ready to #maketherules and #makeeverymovecount in the coming months.