My Second Week of NWM Training

The view from the back of my car after I washed and polished my Nike Swoosh! 

Week two as a Nike Women Ambassador went amazingly well. It started off with an incredible inspirational run on Sunday when I had the chance to run with Jason Lester on the Journey for a Better World in Petaluma, CA. He was such an inspiration and showed me that anything is possible if you work hard at it. Goals in life, race results, fitness, work, if you can dream it, you can do it. 

This week I was able to get all my runs done in less than 9 minute miles. I am really working on taking my time down and this week my 4 runs were all between 8:30 and 8:45 minutes per mile. This is encouraging to me and I hope I can keep taking speed off and get my runs much quicker. 

Friday was my first track workout and it went better than I expected. I did 12 x 400 and was able to really push my pace. I feel like these sprint drills are helping my speed already. Track workouts are something I enjoy and I am looking forward to many more. I was even able to beat the guys I was training with on the last 3 laps. My fastest 400 was in 1:17 seconds. I hope to take that down to 1:15 this coming Friday. 

I also was able to do some great NTC workouts working on my legs and plyometric work. I also did some great Ab workouts and am working on strengthening my core.

This week I am working on setting up my sleep schedule, training days and times and preparing a food journal and menu. I have started a binder divided into sections:
  • One for my training plan
  • One for recipes
  • One for exercise drills and stretching guides
  • One for inspirational quotes, Nike ads, etc.
I am looking forward to what the next few months will bring as far as training goes. This is my last week before my official training plan begins so I am enjoying my last few moments of freedom and taking this time to plan out my schedule. 

As far as this week goes, after a great night of sleep I was able to hit the exercise hard today. My 4 mile run, tennis and Ab workout all earned me over 5000 Nike Fuel. It was a very energetic day. What does your week look like?