Track Workout #1

Today I did my first track workout in a long time. I was a bit nervous because it was with five guys, one of which is a sub three hour marathoner. But I figured that if I plan on running the Nike Women's Marathon in under four hours I need to work hard on my speed work.

I woke up at 5:30 and met at the track at 6:00am. We decided on doing a 12 x 400. Which is a total of 12 laps around the track or three miles. After a one mile warm up the sprints began. I started off a bit slower than I would have liked, but once I woke up I started to feel in the groove. Around the sixth lap I started to pick up the pace and by the final three laps I was passing the guys! My final lap I ran in 1:17 and it felt awesome!

Track work really builds the leg muscles and is an easy way to measure your distance and time. I plan on doing a track workout at least once a week to build speed and work on my running form. Running with a group helped to keep me running strong and pushed me to go further than I would have by myself.

Motivation from Nike Women and Marie Purvis this morning really helped as well. I can't let you amazing girls or myself down. I will train harder every day and strive to #maketherules