Bay to Breakers!

I had a great race weekend! This sunday I ran the 101st Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco. I just found out I was racing the thursday before the race so I wasn't sure what to expect. Luckily I have been running and training quite a lot these past few months so I was able to post a fairly good time. I finished in 1:13 minutes. I was really proud of myself for my ability to run the race, conquer the hills and have a great kick at the end. I will definitely be back again if I get the chance. I also reached the blue level of Nike Plus which is really exciting! I thought it was an awesome way to conquer a new level of running and my Nike+ Mini couldn't agree more!

The race itself was less of a race and more of a 7 mile costume contest. I chose the more serious route but was not disappointed by the costumes that were in seen along the course. We even were able to spot a few Waldo's from the popular children's book "Where's Waldo." I had an awesome time and would recommend that everyone do this race at least once in their life. Next time I may pull out a costume to really show my race day spirit.  

What is the most creative or fun race that you have run? Was it Bay to Breakers, a mud run, the Color Run? I'd love to hear about them and find some new races to try. Leave a comment below and I'll be sure to check them out.