Olympic Inspiration

The Olympics have inspired me this week to train my hardest in everything I do. I may never make it to the Olympics, even as a spectator, but I can train like an Olympian. I can do everything in my power to eat right, work hard and make sacrifices so that I can reach my goals. The Olympic dream is about reaching your full potential, about representing your country's strengths. Setting my personal goals at a high level and training to achieve success is just one way that I can live my own Olympic dream. I don't need a medal or a podium to know when I have achieved my goals. I just need to know in my heart that I have done everything in my power to reach my full potential.

Saturday, with my 5k Color Run, 13 mile training run, NTC and just general activeness I was able to finally reach 10,000 NikeFuel! I am so excited to reach this milestone. It shows how much training can do and is representative of all my hard work. I ran 16 miles and burned over 3000 calories. Saturday was a big day. Luckily today was my rest day. I went to the gym and lifted weights to work on arm strength, but I did not work out my legs. They got to rest all day!

Sunday marks the beginning of a new week of training and the end to my weekend. I am entering week six of Nike Women's Marathon training and the miles just keep getting longer. Last week I was running a lot and Sunday could not come soon enough. I needed today to rest and prepare. This next week I have four runs, hill repeats, NTC, Yoga and the final Saturday 15 miler. It is going to be a busy week, but I am ready.

Bring on the challenges! Now is my time to train like an Olympian.