Color Bliss!

This weekend I had the opportunity to participate in The Color Run Sacramento! This race is based around turning your plain white clothes into a rainbow of color. You run through color stations and have a color party at the end. I wasn't sure what to expect at first. I was just excited to participate. I had a blast running with a group of friends from work and stopping for various photo opportunities and color throws throughout the race!

"Race" might be a loose turn for this run. It was more a leisurely stroll through color. It's one of those runs that is more about the all around race experience than it is about finishing with a PR. We stopped for multiple photo opps along they way. With 15,000 people running it was more like an obstacle course than a straight shot to the finish line.

I was covered in color by the end and it took a few showers to finally rid myself of the color. I may still find shades of green, blue and yellow in my hair throughout the next week. If you get the chance to run this race, do it! You won't regret it and will have a blast just letting loose and getting colored from head to toe. 

After the race I still had to do my 13 mile run for marathon training. I ended up doing all 13 miles on the treadmill which was not ideal, but I had to get it done. I was able to watch the 10,000 Meter final while I ran and was amazed and motivated to run faster by the top athletes in the world. I ran my fastest half marathon distance ever and am really excited about that result. In total I ran 16 miles today and I am definitely ready for a long nap. 

How is your weekend going so far? Have you gotten any good training in?