What I Learned from Baylor

Did anyone see the amazing championship basketball game that Baylor played to with the NCAA National Championship? I'm sorry to say that I missed it and I will be looking up highlights and replays online to catch myself up.

It was an amazing accomplishment and one that teaches lessons I hope to apply to my life. There are many lessons to be learned from this team. They reached perfection and completed a record perfect season. But it's not about the perfection or even the incredible coach behind this team. It's about how they played the game, how they practiced and how they sacrificed to reach a common goal.

Discipline is what it takes to make a great basketball team. This team was incredibly talented, disciplined and trained. They had the drive and fire to win. I wish my college basketball team would have had even half the discipline that this team had. Winning and success take sacrifice and this team was willing to give their all to reach that. The practiced, they played, they bonded and they believed.

To be honest, I haven't watched much women's basketball recently, but Baylor's win has made me realize my error. I plan to read more about this team and put into practice their approach to teamwork and discipline in my training and workout routine. I may never have a chance to play for a National Championship or play for a perfect 40-0 season. I can, however, work hard in the gym and train with the mentality of putting everything on the line. Giving my all 100% of the time.

Thanks Baylor for teaching me that success comes with discipline and making me a believer in in the power of practice.