Girls on the Run

I am so excited to share my new endeavor with you all. I am going to begin volunteering with Girls on the Run! GOTR is a national non-profit organization that teaches young girls in middle school the importance of running and having a healthy attitude and self-respect. It is an amazing organization and I am excited about the upcoming participation opportunities as a running buddy and organizer. 

It is exciting to know that I will be doing something that I love and will be able to share that with other girls. Running is one of my favorite forms of exercise and it will be exciting to share my love of running with others. My first 5k race with Girls on the Run will be in 4 weeks. I am excited about the training I will do in the interim and to see the excitement on the girls faces on race day! 

Volunteering always leaves me feeling successful and wanting more. I am looking forward to this new experience and hope that I will make many new friends with similar goals. As an athlete, being able to give back and teach others that value of fitness and goal setting is one of the best things you can do. I am looking forward to sharing my passion!

If you want to get involved be sure to look up and find your local chapter. If there is not one in your area why not start one yourself? Happy volunteering!