Motivational Monday: Meet Elizabeth Rehmer!

Inspiring runners can be found all over the world. At each and every race I find that there are runners that have overcome enormous odds to get where they are and who keep working hard everyday to become better runners and better people. When runners share their love of running with others they give back to a community that keeps giving. 

Today's Monday Motivational Runner post is from Elizabeth Rehmer! I met Elizabeth last year through the Nike Women's Marathon! We trained virtually together and then met for a great weekend with Nike Women. Elizabeth is so inspiring to me because she follows here passions and her dreams and keeps motivating others through her daily life. 

Elizabeth is from Livingstone, Montana and is the owner and instructor at her private personal training and Pilates studio where she also does massage. This place sounds like heaven to me! I asked her to share her running and fitness story with me to inspire others! 

How Did You Get into Running?
I have been running since I was 9 (I am 36). I began running with my Pops and I just kept at it for cross training for other athletics.  I love both group runs and running solo.  Running is my moving meditation and I simply enjoy it.  I have always been careful to maintain this perspective and not turn running into a chore.  I feel fortunate that my body can handle it and I don't take that for granted.  

What is Your Favorite Memory from Running?
I have soooo many great running memories, however one of the best was running the Boston Marathon. Also, after running my first full marathon where I was chatting with a marathon maniac, he told my husband at the finish that he better be prepared because I was a lifer marathoner!!  I had even told him I only wanted to run one to see if I could.  At the finish he laughed and said, "we'll see!"  Needless to say he was right!

How Do You Use Blogging and Social Media to Influence Your Running?
I love social media for that extra push when you need some motivation.  Also, if you ever have a question there is someone to ask.  I find it a really positive, supportive community.  

Do You Run For a Cause? How Does This Influence Your Approach To Running?
I have an ongoing site where I raise money, "Cancer can Suck it!" I have lost several people near and dear to me to cancer and have several others close to me currently seeking treatment.  At times I felt so helpless and figured this was a way I could help.  If I am having a tough time on a run or lacking in motivation, I will think of those that can't and it usually helps.

What Advice Do You Have For New Runners?
For those new to running, simply take it slow and do your strength training and stretch!  I firmly believe one should get in shape to run, not run to get in shape.  It is an amazing outlet mentally and has so many fantastic physical benefits as long as you listen to your body.  And some days still simply suck, but its the day after that, that is usually AMAZING!! :)  So keep at it!

Elizabeth is an incredibly inspiring runner. To follow her journey check out her blog at: Elizabeth is also incredibly talented at sewing and shares her projects in her posts, so be sure to stop by her blog and say hi!

Have a question for Elizabeth? Post it in the comments below! For extra motivation be sure to follow her on her social sites:

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