I Need Your Help to Get to the EspnW Summit

I received an amazing email invitation today from espnW! I received an invite to their fourth annual Women + Sports Summit. This summit brings top women athletes, influencers and industry leaders together to network and learn from each other to advance women's sports initiatives. Not only will top leaders from espnW, the WNBA, and Olympic athletes be there, but also Amy Jo Martin, the co-founder of Digital Royalty (who I have learned a lot of my social media skills from). I would love to meet her here! Since the Summit Registration Fee is a bit out of my price range I thought I would reach out to my readers and see if you would be willing to help! 

I love blogging and sharing my fitness journey with you all and this is the perfect opportunity to share with you an inside look at the espnW Summit. I will be blogging and sharing my experience during the entire event. If you would like to donate to my Summit Fund you can read more about the event and donate at this link: http://gogetfunding.com/project/espnw-women-and-sports-summit. Any amount helps! I really appreciate anything you can do to help, your support means the world to me and you are one of the reasons I was invited to the Summit!

If you have any fundraising ideas I am open to them as well! I have worked hard to work with women in sports, motivate women to push past their barriers and this opportunity would be invaluable to me. Thank you for being such loyal followers! Have you had an opportunity like this before? Do you have any ideas for me? Let me know in the comments below!
