Pretty Muddy is Returning to Sacramento

Usually I don't plan my races too far in advance. This coming year I plan on really sticking to a race schedule and planning my training around it. Not only will this keep me on track and motivated, it will also save me money on race fees. Yes - signing up early for local races can save you a lot of money. One race that I plan on doing this year is the Pretty Muddy Women's Mud Run in Sacramento on May 3, 2014. 

What is the best part about signing up for this race (other than the fact that it's a super fun race just for women) is the fact that it is 50% off! For a limited time, the first 200 participants to sign up can register for a huge discount. You can sign up for only $34.75, which is a great price for a mud run.

Mud runs are great events to let yourself loose to just enjoy a run. You don't have to worry about time or pace. You just have to worry about having fun and getting pretty muddy! This event is specifically focused on women, so grab your girls and take a day to enjoy yourself in a fun exciting mud and obstacle course. 

I hope I see you in Sacramento. Come get muddy with me!