It's Turkey Trot Season!

Happy Thanksgiving week! I started the week off with a trail race this morning. I ran the Ukiah Turkey Trot. It was a 3.5 mile out and back course that ran along Lake Mendocino. It was a chilly morning and I had to bundle up more than usual to stay warm. You can see my warm race gear below.  

My Athleta and Nike race gear

I haven't been running too many trails lately so I wasn't sure what to predict as far as time goes. The 
course itself was challenging with a lot of rolling hills. It was an out and back loop and I kept a pretty good pace in relation to my training. I finished to cheering locals and enjoyed hot beverages and scones at the finish. One of the girls from the running group invited me to yoga after the race and I decided to try my first hot yoga class.

I have always been terrified to try hot yoga. I sweat enough in yoga class without extra heat added. I braved it today, partly because I needed to stretch my tight muscles and partly because I didn't want to let my friend down. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bas as I thought it would be. I do still prefer regular flow yoga and if given a choice, I'll stick with yoga in a cooler room. I am proud of myself for giving it a try though. 

What do you think? Are you a fan of hot yoga? Do you have any Thanksgiving races coming up? Let me know!