Need for Speed

Speed workouts are so important to training. I don't do them nearly enough, but I have been working on adding at least one track workout a week to my training plan. Today I met three other ladies at the track for a speed session. After a one mile warm up and some strides, skips, twists and a little backwards running, we were on to the session. We did eight 300m sprints at an almost full out pace with 100m recovery jog. When the workout was complete I had logged just over four miles. 

After the workout we took off our shoes and ran through the sprinklers! It felt so good. We should have done that before the workout. Running in 90 degree weather on a hot track is not that fun. Still, it was worth it to run through the grass and sprinklers and act like a kid again. It was kind of freeing. I would definitely do it again!

As previously shared, it was HOT today! The temperatures are heating up here in Ukiah and I have been looking for a shoe to keep my feet cool on longer runs. I found these sweet shoes on the Nike website and could not be more excited about them. They have the potential to be my next great running shoe. I love the Lundarglide for marathons and their new addition to the line is excellent. This version has a breathable upper mesh that keeps your feet cooler than previous models. This is definitely important with the temperatures heating up so rapidly around here. I'm hoping I have the chance to add these shoes to my collection soon!

I hope your training is going well. If you don't have many speed sessions in your training right now, I suggest that you add a few. You will notice a difference very quickly! Start with 100 and 200 meter sprints and then work your way up to 400's. Let me know what you think after a few workouts!
