Giveaway Time!

I finally met a great running group in Ukiah. I'm so happy to have met these encouraging and talented runners. Yesterday morning I went on an amazing trail run. My calves are still screaming from the hill repeats. The trail was so beautiful, I wish I had brought a camera along to take some pictures. Next time  I'll be sure to bring it with me. I have a feeling I will get some great training in over the next few months and there are some fun races I am getting ready for. I have a half marathon, mud run and hopefully the Nike Women's Marathon to train for. I am also planning on tackling my first triathlon in September so I have a busy summer ahead of me! In honor of my training and to help you with yours, I am doing a little giveaway on my blog!

Pictures of Treats You Can Win!

It's time to share some love with all my blog followers!  Some of my favorite things for training are new socks and healthy snacks, so I want to share that love with you. Today I am giving away a 3-pack of Nike women's socks, KIND bars (Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt) and some pretty amazing tasting 100% natural, whole wheat fig bars from Nature's Bakery. Yum! All you have to do is enter the giveaway below! Good luck and happy training!

a Rafflecopter giveaway