A Day to Look Forward To

Photo Shoot in San Francisco Before the 2012 Race

I learned a lot about myself last year training for the full 26.2 miles at the Nike Women's Marathon and sharing my journey along the way. I learned so much from Nike Master Trainer, Marie Purvis, from watching sister crews - SF Runway Crew, She Runs LA Crew, Bridgerunners - but most of all I learned the value of having a group of girls that I can count on to motivate and inspire me. The Nike Women "Sisters in Nike" Crew, as we came to call ourselves, is a different breed because we live in different states across the USA and even different countries. We are bonded in a very special way and running together in SF made us a strong virtual crew that has come to inspire many others and call them our friends and extended members! I can't thank the lovely ladies at Nike Women enough for uniting us on this epic journey. We plan on meeting up again at the 2013 race and crushing our previous goals and PR's. This race is special to me and I can't imagine not running the streets of San Francisco on October 20, 2013. 

I can't wait to run with my crew from last year, Tiara, Elizabeth, Nerissa and Renisha. I also hope that Becca and Brandy will meet up as well. They have inspired me and embraced the social aspect of running in every way. We are bonded by running, sweat, miles, training and a love of Nike. Returning to where the journey began last year with newfound friends and reuniting with the crew will truly make this the best year for running yet.

I have run the full marathon the last two years and am planning to do that again this year. Last year I learned so much about myself and my love of running during the race weekend. I have kept that experience and influence alive by continuing to run and sharing that love with my community through run clubs, local races and on social media. 

Today Nike announced the date that their random draw will open for the 10th anniversary of the Nike Women's marathon in SF. It is just a little over a month away and I am already getting excited. I have had some of my best races at Nike events and made some of my closest friends there. Just coming off a great race at the Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC, my excitement is in overdrive!

There is something about Nike races that makes them magical. The whole aura surrounding them always puts me in a great mood. I don't know if it's my love for the brand, the female show of strength and determination, the amazing cities that the race is in, or perhaps a combination of all of these things, but I always look forward to racing to that finish line in style. I also first discovered Nuun Hydration at the Nike Women's Marathon last year and because of that introduction, I now have the opportunity to run with the Nuun Hydration Hood to Coast team! The Nike Women's Marathon has created opportunities even outside of the race. Life-changing - that is what this race is. It makes you believe that anything is possible and that the power of the human spirit can never be lost. 

Are you planning on entering the lottery for the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco? Have you run the race before?