Spring Surprises

So many good things have been happening lately, I feel like I must be doing something right, so I am going to keep on working hard to reach my goals. Yesterday I went down to the Athleta store in the mall and when I walked in I was greeted by an amazing display, about me! I had no idea this would be here and my friend had to snap a picture to remember it by. I am Athleta Roseville's 2013 Sponsored Athlete and the gig comes with perks! I must admit I feel a little bit like a celebrity. It was fun to see and I love how amazing all the girls at Athleta are. If you haven't stopped by the store in a while, be sure to check it out. I also picked up some great new gear for spring racing and am excited to try it out. I'll be sure to post pictures when I have some. 

This weekend also marked the second annual Nike Women's Virtual 10K race. I participated in this race last year when it was the half marathon distance and had a lot of fun. The exciting thing about this race is the fact that you can run with friends virtually and can run it whenever you are able to on March 9th and 10th. You just have to sync your run to the Nike Plus site to see your race results. I really enjoy this race because of the fact that I can run with friends from all over the world. I had friends in Australia, Canada and around the United States running this race so it was fun to run virtually with them. 

The virtual 10K that I ran was in Sacramento, CA. I actually met up with a group from Team in Training that had made this virtual race into more of an event. They had laid out the course on local trails, we met at the beginning and their were snacks at the finish. This made the race really fun and I met some great new friends at the race. I am even thinking I might join them to raise funds for the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco this fall. 

One awesome thing about the race was the great dry-fit tee I received for running it. I love the fabric and it was fun to see others out on the course and be able to cheer them one because we were all wearing the same shirt. I started out the race with the intent of running with two girls, but they began fading after the first few miles and so I picked up the pace and finished quickly. I was excited to see that I had done the final four miles all at negative splits! My speed is improving and I can't wait to see how it improves over the next few months. Those track workouts I have been doing are sure helping! 

How was your weekend? Did you participate in any races?