Nuun Just Made My Day!

Today I received an email from Nuun Hydration letting me know that I was selected to be a Nuun Hydration Ambassador. I am so excited to share my love of this hydration product and race to represent them. Not only do they have a great product, but they have an amazing team and support incredible events, such as the Nike Women's Marathon Race series and the Boston Marathon. They offer a great product and are constantly innovating and coming up with new flavors to keep my taste buds happy!

I can't wait to see what this year holds. I look forward to spreading my Nuun love this year at all my races, with my first race coming up in two weeks, this is perfect timing! Look for pictures of me racing to represent Nuun on the blog soon! 

With my first half marathon of the year only two weeks away, proper nutrition and hydration are key right now. I am excited to represent Nuun and look forward to sharing my experience here. Stay tuned!