Run to Opportunity

Running has become more and more of a movement over the past few decades. I just became a runner in the last few years and it has utterly changed my life. Some people will never understand the power of running, but it has fully permeated my soul. The beauty of running is that it bridges cities, towns, countries and people all around the world. I have learned so much from following runners in cities both far and near.

This April I will take my first official running trip. I'm headed to DC to run the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon. I am looking forward to meeting with other runners from around the area, across the US and from different countries and cultures all meeting together to run free. It will be fun to see how the movement is spreading and enjoy a scenic race.

I recently read a post from the founder of the Run Dem Crew and it was incredibly inspiring. You can read it here. It basically gives a shout out to the amazing potential that running has to push you to explore the new. New things, people, places and careers. The potential of running is endless.

I have found running to be something that has brought a world of opportunity to my door. I have been able to work with Nike as an ambassador for the Nike Women's Marathon, am a sponsored athlete for the Athleta Roseville store, and have met so many new running friends in the run club I lead at the Athleta store and via social media. I couldn't ask for a better year in 2012 and am looking forward to my upcoming races and running events in 2013. How has running changed your life?