It's Track Workout Season!

This week I am trying to step it up in my fitness routine. With only five weeks to go until my first half-marathon of the year, I still have some serious speed work to get done. I have downloaded my training plan, even put each session in my phone, I'm ready to go full speed ahead to March 17. Shamrock'n Half-Marathon here I come! 

For this half marathon I am training with one of my friends. We are both aiming for a sub-two hour finish time. She came so close a few years ago and I think with our training plan and some proper pacing and hydration (Nuun hydration of course!) we will crush her goal! 

With a mix of short runs, weekend long runs, tempo, track workouts, strength training and yoga we are keeping our bodies strong, pushing our boundaries and preventing injury. I'm open to any training tips you have or just general motivation! Sometimes it's tough to get out the door and go run, but we are so close to race day, we have to push ourselves now to reach our goals!