
NTC in the park!

Today marked day four of marathon training. So far I have run two days and done Nike Training Club (NTC) Get Lean drills the other two days. Today was a tough routine that reminded me of a boxers workout. It consisted of a lot of jump roping and plyometric work to really increase endurance and leg strength. I was wiped after the 45 minutes of challenging drills. Tomorrow I have an easy 3 mile run and I could not be more excited to relax a little bit and have the time to watch the semi-finals of Wimbledon! 

Today Nike Women challenged me to try out a Bikram (hot) yoga class. Up to this point I have steered clear of all things hot yoga because I am not a fan of exercising in the heat. My whole life I have been an evening exerciser and a night owl. Training for the Nike Women's Marathon and working directly with a Nike trainer and the Nike Women team has opened my eyes to many different opportunities and ways to train. They have turned me into an early riser and early exerciser and shown me that I can accomplish what I set my mind to. Looks like I will be hitting up a Bikram class in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for my recap on whether it is torture or pure bliss!

Over the next few months I will be challenging myself in many ways and working towards a huge goal. I will be having biweekly checkins with Nike and working directly with them to improve my training, find out what works and give them feedback on how I am progressing. I can't wait to look back on this week and see how far I have come in the next few months.