Make It Count

Day one of Nike Women's Marathon training went incredibly well. I woke up at 6am as planned, grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed out for my 4 mile training run. The route I ran was along the road and through a park. This run was one of the shorter ones I will have in the next few months and by the time I had ran the two miles to the park I had to run back home to get ready for work at 7:30. 

I was able to keep up a decent pace of 8:22 per mile. I hope to get that down to 7:30 or 8 minute miles for the Marathon. Luckily I have a few months to train for that. With many Nike Training Club (NTC) workouts in the future, sprints, hill sprints, and speed work I know I can accomplish what I set out to do. 

I am doing all this training so that I can run along the coast of San Francisco next to thousands of other runners sharing my passion. With majestic and breathtaking views like this one I can't imagine a better place to run my second marathon and record my PR. 

I am training to make myself a better person, stronger athlete and fearless competitor. I am training with women like me who have a passion for Nike, fitness and NTC. I am training with Nike Women and get to experience this race in an amazing capacity as a Nike Women's Training Ambassador. Marie Purvis, aka @nikegetfit, is supporting me and training me along the way. I get to see my name posted on the wall at Nike Town San Francisco and be a part of something bigger than myself. I get to #makeitcount in more ways than one. Through the journey, the race and after I cross that finish line, everything I do will be focused on this moment. I plan to #maketherules in a big way over the next few months and beyond. This marathon journey is just the beginning.