I'm Back!

Wimbledon history in the Making

I have been MIA for a few days and I have desperately been thinking about what to blog about. Seems like life has just gotten busy this last week. This weekend was one involving many great changes in my life. One of which will make blogging much easier. My new computer finally arrived! I spent a lot of time setting it up, transferring files, and getting prepared to reach computer blogging bliss. I can't wait to see how much more I can do with a computer that actually works 100% of the time (as long as I keep it charged). 

We also finally got couches for our apartment! Living for almost a year with only one chair and one very large bean bag, also know by it's brand name of "love sac" just wasn't cutting it. It is so nice to come home and have a place to sit, relax, and blog. Plus, it will be great for all my plans to camp out in the living room in front of the TV while watching the Olympics. Needless to say I won't be getting much sleep those few weeks. I live for the Olympics and the rush I get from all the competition. 

Also this weekend was the end of my first week of Nike Women's Marathon training and the Wimbledon finals! I have made a commitment to myself to run mainly in the mornings to avoid the 100 degree days in California heat, but with the Wimbledon finals starting at 6am I had to push my runs to the evening. The early mornings and loud cheering were worth it when Federer clenched his seventh (7th) Wimbledon Crown! Way to go Federer. You never cease to amaze me. 

My runs were pushed to the evenings and I could feel the heat draining my body of energy. Especially the 6 mile run I had scheduled for Saturday. The interesting thing about running outside in the heat is the smells that are more enhanced (though not in a good way). I would take running in the rain anyway over running in the heat. I can always wear a jacket in the rain, and Nike makes some amazing ones, but escaping the heat is near impossible. Even with my busy weekend I DID NOT DEVIATE from training and am happy to say that I am well on my way to a successful PR at NWM 2012!

It's getting late and I have an early 5 mile run in the morning so I will sign off for now but look forward to more exciting fitness and running posts in the future!