May Workout Challenge

May is here, I can't believe how fast this year is going by. I feel like just yesterday it was January and I was wearing snow boots and scarves to work. Now I can't seem to stay cool enough. The great thing about this time of year is that it is the perfect time to take my workouts outside. There's a reason that bootcamps in the park and running/triathlon race season picks up speed this time of year. I already ran my first 5k of the year and have four more planned in the next few months. One thing that also picks up speed is my training schedule. It is suddenly a lot easier to do a longer workout since the day stays light longer in the evening.

That being said I have undertaken another challenge. This month I plan to run 100 miles and complete 1200  minutes of workouts on the Nike Training Club app for iPhone. One of my goals is to take more of my workouts outside and use natural resistance and roads and trails to train hard and enjoy nature at the same time. There is just something peaceful and calming about running outside rather than on a treadmill. Luckily for me there are quite a few parks in this area to workout at so finding space will not be a problem.

Wish me luck and join me in my challenge if you think you are up for it!