Dream Weekend

This past weekend was so much fun. It started off with an incredible email from Nike Women inviting me to train with them and participate in the Nike Women's Marathon with them. I am so excited to be a part of this event and experience the weekend "Nike Style." I don't have all the details yet, but I am looking forward to sharing my experience there in October.

I also started training hard for my upcoming race. I had the best run I have had in a while Saturday morning. It may have been a result of the excitement and adrenaline rush of discovering that I get to train with Nike, but whatever the reason, I had a great 5 mile run. I also did quite a bit of Nike Training Club drills and had a great tennis match. It was a great week of training and I hope I have more great days in the future.

My commitment to clean eating is even more important right now. I have 5 months to prepare for the race of my life and I don't have any room for shortcuts or falling off the wagon. I want to be fit, fast and prepared to run my best race in 2012! I'll be posting some of my healthy recipes here in the future. I hope you join me with healthy eating and maybe I'll see you at the Nike Women's Marathon!