April Goal Results

Today is the last day of April. I apologize for being away from my blog for so long, but I had a busy week and have a computer that it running on it's 9th life, so it is getting much harder to post as frequently as I would like. My week consisted of working two jobs, my regular eight-to-five and my new part time job doing marketing for the Sacramento Capitals World Team Tennis League in California. I also had a birthday and am now halfway to 50!

Along with my busy work schedule I had to fit in all my running and NTC April 1000 Challenge workouts. I am happy to say that I achieved my goal and even exceeded it by 140 minutes. 1140 minutes of hard core Nike Training Club drills is tough! I'm sure all of you who took on the challenge with me know what I am talking about. How did you all do? Are you feeling stronger, fitter, up for another challenge?

I also logged 89 miles running with Nike+. I have been tired sometimes this month, but overall I feel incredibly strong. I will be starting a running challenge for May so be sure to let me know what you think and how far you want to challenge yourself to run! I learned a lot about myself and my strengths during this challenge and writing out my goals and a schedule really helped me to stay on track. 

I also planned to run a 5k race on April 28 with Girls on the Run and was training for this goal as well. I raced on Saturday with two middle school age girls and finished up my final minutes of NTC today. Needless to say it feels great to have achieved my goals for this month and I can't wait to make new ones for may. I feel empowered and ready to take on the world!

I treated myself to a delicious Whole Foods sandwich following my final workouts and it tasted fantastic. Focusing on my diet as well as my fitness goals will be number one priority in May. Fruits, veggies and proteins to build strong muscles and fight fatigue will be my top priority. What are your summer healthy living goals?