Australia, Travel and NikeGetFit

Marie Purvis of @nikegetfit has a blog! You can check it out at All Things Fitness. Currently she is down in Australia representing and prepping for the She Runs AU race in Australia. It's pretty exciting to see Nike spread their races all over the world and empower women wherever they are. They also chose a great representative and ambassador in Marie Purvis!

I am excited to start following this new blog. For one thing, I love all the advise that Marie Purvis gives via her Twitter handle @nikegetfit. And second, Australia has always been at the top of my list of places to travel and it is exciting to see it through the eyes of another fitness lover. Running through Australia looks like it would be an amazing experience and I can't wait until I get to visit! Perhaps I can plan my visit around a race such as the She Runs AU.

Fitness and travel are two great things to combine. You can see things in a city through running that you would miss if you spent all your time in a car. Running can slow down the speed of travel and keep you relaxed and less stressed in your new environment. Also, keeping up with your fitness goals is important even when on vacation or a business trip. Getting out and doing exercises outside and enjoying the views and architecture of a new place is a great way to enjoy your trip and stay fit. How do you stay fit while on vacation? Where do you do your workouts?