The Sacramento Capitals!

This past week has been so busy for me. I have been working hard to complete my April NTC Challenge,  work full time, play tennis, blog and start my new part time marketing job. It has definitely been a challenge to juggle it all. 

I am so excited about this opportunity to finally put my Marketing degree to use in something I love. As of this moment it is part time and I work after my other full time office job, but the potential for experience is incredible. I am going to be helping with the marketing for the Sacramento Capitals World Team Tennis. Tennis is one of my favorite sports to play and I am so excited for the opportunity to work with professional players and events.

I will be even more busy than I have been in the past, but I enjoy every challenge that is thrown my way and I will tackle each opportunity with the same vigor and passion that I attack my daily workouts with. I'll keep you updated on my progress.