Zooma Napa Valley Runner Report - Sally Bellinger


The ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors are excited to bring you our Zooma Napa Valley Runner Reports! Each week we’ll be featuring a ZOOMA Napa Valley half marathon or 10K runner on each of our blogs. As women runners, we want to use our role as Ambassadors to highlight and share the stories behind the incredible women preparing to run ZOOMA in June. Each runner has a special and unique story, and we invite you to learn about our runners through this series. Please feel free to click through the links at the end of each post to read about additional ZOOMA racers. ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors

Runner Report: Sally Bellinger


Name: Sally Bellinger

Age: 24

Current City: San Rafael CA

Race (10K or half marathon): 10K

Why are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley? A fun race in a beautiful setting with friends.

When & why did you start running? I grew up swimming competitively and have always ran as part of cross training. Now that I know longer compete in swimming I run to stay in shape and is always a good and healthy excuse to get together with friends.

How many races have you done & which was your favorite?  ZOOMA will only be my second race, so I would say I am pretty new at this. I ran the Hot Chocolate 5k in January with some friends which was a blast.

If you could pick one celebrity to run with, who would it be & why? This is a hard question but if I had to pick one celebrity I would probably pick Matthew Mcconaughey.  He seems like he would be a solid running partner, someone who could push me and keep a good, funny conversation with. Plus he wouldn't be so bad to look at if he had to take his shirt off during the run.

What is your favorite running memory? Some of my favorite running memories are of when my mother and I use to run along the bike path in Tiburon when I was younger. The view doesn't get much better than that plus being with my mom is always a good time.

What is your one running must-have? A good friend next to me is a must have, makes running that much more enjoyable.

What is your favorite post-run indulgence? After any good workout I like to indulge in some chocolate milk.

Who is your running inspiration? I don't think I have one inspiration in particular. I admire people who set their minds towards a running goal and go after it. It inspires me to get out there and run more.

What is the most important lesson you have learned from running? Running for me has taught me patience. Growing up being more in the pool that on land I have had to work at my relationship with running which sometimes tested my patience. It drove me to not want to give up on it knowing that it would change. I have learned to enjoy it more than I ever have over the years. Read about more of our featured Napa Valley runners on the ambassadors blogs here:

If you want to get in on the fun be sure to sign up! For more information about the race head over to the Zooma Run website. Sign up and receive 10% off registration with code: NAMB3 I hope to see you there!

Are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley and would like to be featured in our Runner Report series? Email runningonwaffles@gmail.com for more information!