I'm Finally Fulfilling My Passion

I feel like I have been fighting against my calling to work in the fitness, health and running industry for a long time. I focused on business and marketing in college because that seemed like a more sensible career. In reality, I have always been drawn to the physicality of fitness and it's only natural that I would want to pursue a career in that field. With that being said, working in marketing and events for Nike Running or Nike Women would truly be my dream come true. It would combine both passions. Since I am unsure of when and where I will be able to fulfill that Nike dream and move to Beaverton and Nike World Headquarters, I am choosing to pursue my goals of training others in running and fitness. It's as if I've been running circles around the track and finally found why I was meant to run. It's not just for me, it's to motivate and inspire others.


During my high school and college days I worked in health clubs and was a lifeguard and taught swimming lessons for years. I kept saying I wanted to become a trainer, but never took the chance and leap of faith to get certified. I was afraid that I wouldn't make it and most "sensible adults" would tell me that a career in fitness just doesn't pay the bills. You know what? I listened. To this day I am not sure why. I have always been head strong and do what I want to do. "Where there is a will, there is a way" is my motto. For some reason I ignored my heart's desire on this matter. Since graduation I have worked for a few different companies, but all in office jobs. I am finally realizing that this is not my passion and I need to fulfill my passion my way. Certifications, my fitness blog, running and motivating others are my passions. It's time to quit second guessing the job I was meant to do.

Just one weekend ago I complete the Road Runner's Club of America running coach certification and officially passed my exam this past week. Now I am going to begin putting that business degree to work and set up online and in-person coaching. Stay tuned as I get all the details worked out if you are interested! Along with running coaching, I am currently in the middle of studying for my personal training certification and should have that goal complete in a few months. I won't stop there! I am also one of the founders of a movement focused on moving more with friends from NYC and Washington DC. We are hoping to promote the idea of moving more and making movement a lifestyle. Follow that effort on Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We want to get you involved too, so feel free to reach out and share how you make movement matter!

Life does not have one perfect path for anyone. Decisions you make place you one one path, but a new decision can change everything. Maybe you are where you want to be, maybe you are even living my dream job right now as a trainer, coach or running and event promotor. My challenge to you is to make sure you are doing it with passion. If not, take a leap of faith and pursue your passion so that every day when you wake up you are excited about what your day holds. Make every moment matter.