Running, Coaching and Following Dreams

Where has the time gone? I can't believe that it is already April and my first half marathon is less than three weeks away! I will be the first to admit that my training has suffered a bit. I have overextended myself in many ways with work, running, extra activities and life in general. It's good to be busy, but I am still hoping for a bit of a break soon. Who hasn't been there? I put different priorities in front of running and have only myself to blame. However, this race will be fun and I will be focused on running for the joy of running. It's with Nike in Washington, D.C., how could I not have a blast?

This last weekend I spent in Sacramento taking my Road Runner's Club of America running coach certification course. It was a two day intensive study of running history, mechanics, form, the business of coaching, injury prevention, running plan creation and more. I definitely learned a lot and have a lot of information to implement in my own run training and for those who want to be trained by me! This course was valuable to me because it aligns with my coaching, training and fitness career goals. I'm excited to be one step closer to helping others discover the joy of running too. 


I have always loved coaching and seeing others learn, grow and often discover the joy that comes with achieving a goal you never thought possible. Even this blog was inspired by that goal of showing others what is possible and sharing my success and failures. I taught swimming lessons when I was younger, coached high school basketball and now am hopping to bring my running and coaching skills together. I even am looking at coaching track at the local high school. Along with that, I'm studying to become a personal trainer in a few short months with ACE


I am finally taking a leap of faith and training to reach my fitness career goals. What are you doing in your life to help you achieve your dreams? Your goals don't have to be fitness related, they just have to come from your heart. What have you wanted to do for a while but have been unable to do because you were afraid of the unknowns or of failure? I encourage you to take a leap of faith and simply try. If you don't ever reach out you'll never know what could have been.