Yesterday You Said Tomorrow


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Photo: Nike

I am loving personal training lately and my clients are honestly some of the best. Motivated to succeed and up to any challenge that I give them. One of them saw a quote I have plastered on the background home screen of my phone "YESTERDAY YOU SAID TOMORROW," and commented on how much they loved it.

This quote is on my phone to keep me pushing and working out hard every day. When I wake up for an early morning run or Nike Training Club workout and turn the alarm off on my phone, I see this quote and don't want to let myself down.

Quotes, or mantras, as they are often known in the running world, are phrases or single words that inspire us and and push us hard when we feel tired or want to quit. I find it helpful to memorize a few mantras, put post-it notes up around the house, in my car or on my phone background so I am constantly inspired.

Nike Women recently came up with the mantra or hashtag #BetterForIt. This mantra is meant to be said and shared mid workout, when the going gets hard and you want to quit, but quitting isn't an option. You will continue because you want to be better because of what you accomplished. Look up #betterforit on Instagram and Twitter and be inspired!

What is your mantra? Does it help you push on when you feel like giving up?