5 Reasons to Shop the Farmers Market

The farmers market is perfect for getting fresh, local food at reduced prices from traditional grocery stores. Traditionally, store bought produce can be weeks old, as it is shipped across the country and even the world before it makes it to your table. Farmers markets, on the other hand, feature produce picked at the peak of freshness and sold within a few days of harvesting. Though I am sure I could find many more reasons, here are my top 5 reasons to shop your local farmers market.

  1. Get the freshest fruits and vegetables - generally picked daily, you are assured that the food you purchase is at it's peak of ripeness.
  2. Full flavor - fruits and vegetables ripen naturally in the field and are picked ripe for you to enjoy. There are no shipping costs, waiting and storage. The foods are tastier, naturally.
  3. Support local business - instead of supporting big corporations, support your local farmers and families. Buy local and see your economy thrive.
  4. Knowledge of where your food comes from - you never have to guess where your food is from. Talk to the local farmer and learn exactly how your food is grown and harvested.
  5. Connect with your community - talk with your neighbors, find out where the produce is grown. Build community connections and support your local farmers. Bring your kids along and meet up with friends at the market. Make it a fun, family event.

Farmers markets can also save you money (depending what you buy). Often, in-season fruits and vegetables are sold at considerably lower prices than the same items in your local grocery store.

What is your favorite thing about your local farmers market?