Training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon with Nike Union Street

It's officially week four of half marathon training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco on October 19. Last night, the Nike Union Street store held a special strength training event to help us stay on track with training and mix up our workouts with cross training and not just running. It's important to make sure you train the whole body and avoid over training one part. This workout was great and I'm feeling the effects today in my arms! We did a lot of push-ups and arm drills and I can tell I need to work these muscles more. 

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I am lucky to have a lot of great friends at these events and it was great to see them all and workout with them again! I always get energized by the atmosphere in San Francisco and the workout really pushed me. We ran to Fort Mason right on the water and began the workout with dynamic stretching and then jumped into squats, band work, abs, planks and partner drills. I had a blast and there was plenty of sweat, laughs and fun to be had by all!

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After the workout we ran back to the store and there was a stretching area with yoga mats, foam rollers and fresh squeezed juices waiting for us all. It was the perfect end to a great workout. I was able to roll out my tight hamstrings and IT Band before heading back home. After snapping a few photos with friends I left the store feeling like I had finished a great workout and was hungry for more! I'll be back again soon San Francisco!

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Nike Union Street and Nike San Francisco have special events, Nike Training Club workouts and Run Clubs every week. If you are in the city be sure to check them out. They are free and work you out HARD! They often give you a chance to see beautiful city views and run some steep hills too! For the full schedule and to sign up for classes go to

See you there!