Motivation from Rockstar Runner, Savannah Fisher

It's been a little while since I have shared the story of an inspiring runner in my life and it's time I get back to sharing the stories of those who motivate me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. One of these inspiring runners is, Savannah Fisher. I first found Savannah last year via Twitter. We were both training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon in Washington DC and she was posting about her inspiring training journey. I had to follow along. 
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Savanna is currently a student, finding her way into the fitness world. She hails from Brock, TX, near Dallas. We weren't able to meet up during training and I had planned on a meet-up in Washington DC during the race weekend, but for some reason we were never able to meet up! Luckily we will get another chance in San Francisco this year when we both run the Nike Women's Half Marathon! I'm excited to finally meet her in person, but until then, I asked her to share with me her running journey, training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon and advice for runners everywhere! Remarkably, she has only been running for a year this November, but she has already proved she is a gifted and speedy runner with a very bright future in the sport! 
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Can you share your running history? 
Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC and Wounded Warrior Half Marathon in Dallas, TX.
How did you get into running? 
Running through my problems became my medicine. After high school, and all of the high school sports I was a part of, I found a lot of time on my hands which included realizing I hadn't faced the death of my brother when I was 14 and a freshman in high school. But that wasn't the only death I went through in high school, just the hardest. Two years later while I was a junior I had lost my uncle and a year after that I lost my great grandmother. All of the deaths I have ever experienced have been in the month of March. Like most people I put my healing on a back burner and jumped back into my life too soon before realizing what I hadn't faced yet, the pain and realization. Although it still doesn't seem real to me today, running helped me cope. Running brought me out of the darkness I found myself in. I lost my grandfather this March to Diabetes and actually missed about 3 weeks of training for my half in DC due to spending long days and nights in the hospital with my family next to him. Running got me through it. I could go deeper into explaining how running saved me but honestly words can't explain where the open road has taken me.
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How do you train? Are you a part of a running group? Do you prefer running with a group or alone?
I usually run alone because I'm not in the "ideal" running community and haven't found anyone close with the same kind of crazy. But I do love group running and the friendships I have built with inspirational runners via social media all over the world, such as Karen Poole. (Thanks Savannah! -kp)
What is your favorite memory from running? Earning my first Tiffany's necklace in DC at the Nike Women's Half.
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What race(s) is your favorite? Why?
I have never ran The Boston Marathon but I plan to in the near future. That's my ultimate running goal. Watching in the past few years always leaves me so inspired.
Are you currently training for a race? Which one and how is training going? I am currently training for The Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco this October and I'm beyond excited to experience my second race with Nike. I'm really looking for to running/catching up with other runners who inspire me daily. I also begin training for my first full marathon in September for The Houston Marathon in January.
What advice do you have for new runners?
Don't give up on bad days, because I promise you the bad days are better than the days without running. Make friends and have fun.
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How do you use social media to influence your running?
There is nothing like clicking with someone thousands of miles away that you've never met and feeling like they completely get your type of crazy and therapy with running. I feel a part of something bigger than me through running. 
How do you fit running in with your daily schedule, work, etc…?
I usually like to start my day with running but occasionally life gets in the way and I will have to do it that afternoon or night. I prefer starting my day with a run.
Do you have any favorite running gear our readers should know about (shoes, tights, etc)? All things Nike. The swoosh is very powerful and a big part of my running journey.
Why do you run? I run to stay mentally and physically healthy. And to hopefully inspire others with active living and a healthier lifestyle.
Savannah is definitely an inspiration to me and I know she has a very exciting running future ahead of her! I can't wait to follow along. I hope you are inspired by her and remember to always have fun with running and in life! Find friends that motivate and inspire you and never give up!
For inspiration from Savannah you can follow her on her social sites here:
Twitter: Chasing_Sav
Instagram: chasing_sav