Tips for Staying Fit in the Office

Working at an office and sitting all day can be terrible! I know a few hours in I can feel all my muscles tightening and my back and neck start to hurt. And I am not even 30 yet! It seems the age of technology has catered to more and more sedentary jobs. So much work is completed with the help of a computer it is almost impossible to avoid being a bit sedentary during work hours. 

There are a few things you can do to make work a more active place. I want to share some of the things that help me maintain my sanity while seemingly chained to a desk. 


Before Work

  • Try to do at least do a moderate intensity activity before you even go to work (jogging, push-ups, jump rope, etc.)
  • Walk around the block
  • Perform a 15 minute yoga session 
  • Lift weights
  • Do jumping jacks in place

During Work

  • Check with your employer to see if you can get a sit/stand desk. I just recently ordered one for myself and it is amazing!
  • Use a stability ball for a few hours a day instead of a chair
  • Go for a walk on your 10 minute breaks
  • Walk to your co-workers desk instead of emailing or calling them
  • Stand up every time you get a phone call
  • Hold meetings with clients while taking a walk. You will both feel more at ease during the meeting and get endorphins and brain cells firing quicker. 

After Work

  • Head to the gym - have a bag packed and ready to go in your car so you don't have an excuse not to go
  • Form a walking or running group and go for a 1-3 mile walk a few days a week
  • Sign up for classes at your favorite studio
  • Swim
  • Walk around your neighborhood

Whatever your workday looks like. Make every effort to move as often as you can. Rally your co-workers and have a Biggest Loser competition or train for a race! The company I work for sponsors teams for a Marathon Relay every year. They didn't use to do this, but when I asked if we could, they were thrilled to start an office healthy living program. Don't be afraid to talk to your supervisor about your sedentary concerns and see how they are willing to work with you. You never know, your commitment to healthy living may inspire others in your office to do the same. 

Have any other tips that have worked for you? Let me know in the comments!


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