Partner Workouts Make You Stronger

Partner workouts are the best! I exercise alone a lot and I would give anything to always have a workout buddy. Simply said, they push me to do more and work harder than I can by myself. It's also easier to create challenges and step up the intensity. This might be one of the reasons that I love the free Nike Training Club classes offered at Nike San Francisco, Nike stores around the world and select 24-Hour Fitness locations and studios. These classes allow me to have a trainer and competition during my workout. Giving up is not an option when your partner is pushing the pace. Burpee challenges, squats, push-ups, boxing and more can all be turned into a killer partner workout. 

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If you usually workout alone consider calling a friend and having them tag along. Can't find a friend that's available when you want to workout? Consider joining a group fitness class a few times a week so you have someone coaching you to push yourself. This is especially helpful when you are having an off day. One of the reason's I loved playing basketball in college was that my coach always pushed me. I didn't feel like I had the luxury of slowing down or letting him and my team down. My last few years playing I was the Captain of the team and as a leader I knew that if I quit pushing myself, the team would too. So I pushed myself because of my team, my partners in fitness.

If you're struggling with staying motivated, find a workout partner or class that will push you to do more and to learn new things. Your local gym might be the perfect place to meet like minded individuals or join a local running group. Nike, Athleta and Lululemon stores all offer free classes too. If you want to get stronger, fitter or faster, get a partner to help push you to be better. 

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