Mile Repeats and Cookies!

Would you believe me if I told you that you can combine baking cookies with a speed workout? The revelation came to me today when I realized I needed to make a dessert for work tomorrow. I hadn't done my run yet and cookies take at least an hour to make and bake, especially since I was making 48 cookies. Luckily, I came up with a solution. 

Around 5pm I started to make the dough for the cookies. After mixing it up and scooping the dough onto the first pan of cookies I put them in the oven, set the timer for 11 minutes and headed out the front door. I ran one mile around my neighborhood and stopped at my house just in time to get the fist batch of cookies out of the oven and put the next batch in the oven. It was time for round two. I ran my second lap around the neighborhood a bit faster than the first and stopped at my house again just in time to take the cookies out of the oven. 

I repeated two more times. During my third lap I stopped and talked to my neighbor, so I barely made it inside to take the cookies out in time! After my final lap I had clocked 3.2 miles of running. Not bad for multitasking! I think this will be my new routine. Check out these fresh baked cookies! 


Working out and baking can go together after all! Added bonus, I burned off the calories I consumed sampling my cookies before I ate them. Win-win! Have you ever done something like this? Share your fitness secrets, tips and tricks in the comments below!