Super Bowl 50 Workout with Nike San Francisco


Last weekend was the Super Bowl and even though my beloved Seahawks were not playing, I was lucky enough to attend a football inspired NTC workout with Nike San Francisco the Friday before the big game. One of my amazing friends and Nike trainers, Jackelyn Ho, was leading the workout. She's incredible and inspiring and led a killer workout. NTC SF Super Bowl 50 Workout

So what all did the workout entail?


NFL Football Players.

More Sweat.

Nike Gear.

The Trip to San Francisco

One of my friends from here in Ukiah travelled down to San Francisco early Friday morning. We left at 6am, grabbed coffee and Starbucks and made the 2+ hour trek to the city. While I have done this drive many times before, it was Alex's first time to a Nike event. She didn't know what to expect. After getting an Uber from the Marina into the city, we arrived at the Old San Francisco Mint Building, home to Nike Football for the weekend.

Nike had turned the building into a hall of history. Inside we were given a NTC shirt in Denver Broncos colors and shoes to trial. After being ushered into the workout we knew we were in a special place. The room had been turned into a mini football field with a turf floor and football player replica's lining the walls. 

If the building wasn't fun enough, we were greeted with professional NFL players and elite Nike trainers, ready to push us to sweat like an athlete.

NTC SF Super Bowl 50

The Workout

The training session itself consisted of "4 quarters" of workouts. Each quarter was a 10 minute, high intensity workout. We did 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. Constantly pushing to be faster or stronger than our previous set. There were workout bands, kettle bells and speed disks for intense speed work sessions.

NTC SF Super Bowl 50

I loved the workout. We sweated. We high-fived each other. We worked our butts off, literally! From burpees, to planks, kettle bell rows, tuck jumps, speed work and more, the workout hit every major muscle group and then some. At the end of the workout Nike even gave tickets to the Super Bowl to one lucky attendee. While I didn't win the tickets, I had an absolute blast the entire time.

NTC SF Super Bowl 50

After the workout Alex and I went to Nike Town for some sweatshirt customization being provided by Nike, exclusively for the weekend.

The Opening - A Super Bowl Experience

Later that afternoon we headed back to the Old San Francisco Mint for "The Opening" experience, where we tried on Nike's new football cleats and got to try our hand at catching a pass for a touchdown and finding our speed!

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The events in San Francisco were an absolute perfect way for Nike to celebrate the history of football and the upcoming 50th Anniversary Super Bowl on Sunday.

A big thanks to Nike for another killer event!