5 Reasons Your Excuses are Never Good Enough for Skipping a Workout


Give me your excuse. I'll give you a reason it's not good enough. Excuses don't fly with me. You can always get in a workout. So don't even begin with the "I can't because....I stayed up too late." Suck it up buttercup. Even on no sleep your body can still work out. Yes, it's that efficient. Sometimes life happens, major life events such as an illness or family issue, but the other 99% of the time, when you aren't in crisis, you can work out. No excuses.

No excuses workout

5 Excuses Not to Exercise and Why They Don't Work

  • "I don't want to." No one always wants to workout, you don't have to want to, you just have to do it. Once you start, your workout will get better and you might actually enjoy it. Once you get the blood flowing your body begins to wake up and you suddenly feel that endorphin flow. Your feet start stepping quicker and you start feeling the beat of that Zumba or Tabata class.
  • "I'm sore from yesterday." I can't count the number of times I have heard the "I'm sore" excuse. Really, you're sore? That's great! It means you worked out hard enough to spark a change. Guess what, now you get the chance to do it all over again and working out again will actually release some of the tension in your sore muscles and make you feel more relaxed.
  • "I don't have time." Newsflash, most people don't have time to work out. They actually make time for it. Schedule it like and appointment and don't let yourself off the hook. Everyone, I mean everyone, has a few minutes every day where they can get their sweat on. Make the time.
  • "I don't know what to do when I go to the gym." Seriously? This is an excuse? Hire a trainer! Go to a group class. There are plenty of options and people, trainers like me, who would love to show you the ropes and help you reach your fitness goals. That's our job and for most of us it a passion. We will help you for one session, two session, twenty sessions. Whatever you need to learn, trainers can help you.
  • "I'm too big for the gym. People will make fun of me. I need to get fit before I workout." I know it's hard to go somewhere new and to be honest, there are a lot of people in the gym that will judge and are not nice. But guess what, the other 90% of people could care less about your weight and are probably just as concerned about what others think of them. Gym are for getting fit and losing weight. So what if you have some weight loss to do. That is what the gym is for. If someone is judging you for taking control of your health and coming to the gym when overweight they are the one with the problem. Ignore them. They are not worth your time.

You Only Regret the Workout You Never Did

There are hundreds of other excuses and I know I have only scratched the surface on this issue. But trust me, for every excuse there are ten reasons why you should tell yourself to just do it, just go to the gym. My bet is that ten times out of ten you won't regret your last workout. In fact, you'll be grateful to yourself for caring enough about you to take control of your health.