Group Running Can Elevate Your Performance


Running is often considered a solo sport. Until now. Group running has taken the world by storm. Running groups and crews have popped up all around the world and greatly increased interest in running. Along with this new interest in the sport is a newfound love of a challenge, of training to get better, faster and stronger no matter where you are at in life. Maybe you run simply for fitness or perhaps you are training for a race. Maybe you are semi-competitive or even an Olympic athlete. At every level, there is a group that can help you reach your goals. Group Running

Find Training Groups Anywhere

Training groups can be found anywhere. Online, at your local running store, Nike, Adidas, Lululemon, The North Face, Athleta and Under Armour all have their own new running groups popping up at stores and events across the country and even the globe. Nike has NRC runs that I have participated in, Under Armour has a new platform for tracking runs around the globe and competing for prizes and Adidas is promoting women in sport with groups meeting together to train and trial their new shoe.

With so many options, there is no excuse not to run with a group.

Mix Up Your Routine

Each run can have a different training focus. Sundays are often long run days, so the group will run 6-15 miles together. Tuesdays are often days to meet at the track and focus on speed work. Thursdays might simply be days where you run a short 3-5 mile run or perhaps you add in a fartlek (meaning "speed play") workout. Every meeting with your group can have a different focus. You may favor distance or speed workouts, but the group will make sure you get through every workout, even the ones you don't enjoy as much. They become like family.

Here's a speed workout to try with your group:

1 mile warm-up






1 mile cool-down

Finish with a stretch!

Fall in Love with Group Running

It's easy to understand why people have come to love group running. For one, it's social. You get to meet up and chat with friends every time the group meets. This can be something to look forward to after a long day of work. Second, it's great exercise that often gets you running faster and farther than you normally would on your own. Third, it's free! No need for a gym membership, just pick a time and place and show up to meet your group.

If you haven't tried out group running yet, give it a try. I'm pretty sure you'll be hooked.