Run Tips: Speed and Foot Strike


It's time I talk about about speed, foot strike and how to get faster. A lot of times people talk about wanting to get faster, to run a PR at their next race, but forget the most important part. In order to get faster, you have to train faster. Run Tips: Speed and Foot Strike

Track workouts are one of the best ways to develop speed. Running around the track is one thing, but running for speed is another story. When I do sprints, I go all out. You should be pushing as fast as you can at each interval.

How to Get Faster with Foot Strike

One of the ways to go faster is to focus on foot strike. When you are training to go fast, you want to think about having quick feet and a fast turnover.

Drive your knees up, keep a slight forward lean and push off the ground as quick as you can. Everyones stride is different and no concrete evidence has shown whether it is better to be a heel striker, mid-foot striker or forefoot striker. In fact, completely changing your stride can even be damaging depending on your body mechanics. To have quick steps you generally want to either land on your mid-foot and roll forward or land on the forefoot. It's a little less jarring on your knees this way.

Run Tips: Speed and Foot Strike

Keep your core strong, shoulders up, and back and breath steady. Pump your arms. When you want to go faster, pumping your arms forwards across your body (in a natural motion) keeps your legs turning. Next time you feel like you are slowing down and your legs are tired, focus on pumping your arms faster. You'll notice that your leg speed also increases.

To Be Fast, Run Fast

To get faster, you need to practice running faster. A lot of plans talk about putting miles on your legs, but if you just run the same pace every day, you won't train your body to run faster. Get a running watch and time your intervals. Work on speeding up every week or two by a few seconds.

Running with someone who is faster than you will also push you to keep up and get faster yourself. Look for a local run club if you don't know anyone yet.

Running fast takes practice, but with a little effort, you can get that PR you have been looking for.

See you on the track, friends!!