You know you are a runner if...


As a runner, I often travel in small circles. I go from race to race to race and often see the same running friends over and over again. It's great! I love seeing familiar faces everywhere I go. Some are friends I have met in real life, some are friends from social media or other bloggers. We take selfies, we compare running shoes and we line-up at the start line together. Come race time we all have our individual goals and I for one, fight for that goal every mile. But what about when we run outside of races? Those lonely training runs outside of the magical race weekends? Who do we have to run with? You know you are a runner if...

Photo: My runner buddies from my weekend in Chicago with Nike last December.

I know many people have their running groups, but realistically we can't always run with them. Some days we have to go it alone. Or perhaps we get a friend or two together to run with us.

I don't have a huge running community in my area. There are a lot of runners around, but not everyone always has the time. So, I've started inviting friends that run on occasion or gym going friends to run with me. This doesn't always go over well. I often get met with resistance.

So, what are the signs to look for when your running game has eclipsed your friend game?

Signs you are the runner in your friend group

  • Your friends say they would run with you but you are too fast, too experienced or too intense.
  • You quit getting invited to activities outside of running because you are "the runner girl."
  • Your friends quit following you on social media due to all your running posts.
  • You cancel Friday night plans to better prepare for your Saturday morning long run - early to bed!
  • Your vacations involve running and your friends tell you "only you could think running was fun!"

To be honest, I've sometimes felt like I am missing out on those other things that friends do together. It's not fun to always run by myself or to be turned down because my friends think they can't keep up.

I don't always want to run fast or far. Sometimes I just want to run to get outside, and that is better with company. I also love to share my love of running with people who have never discovered it.

Unfortunately, often when you are passionate about something you alienate a lot of those around you without meaning to. Running, fitness and health are my passions and just because I want to share that with as many people as I can, doesn't mean I don't enjoy other things too.

My Takeaway

I'm working on being less intense about exercise - at least outside of the blog! This will always be fitness and running focused but in the day-to-day, I'll try to focus a little more on things outside of health and wellness. (I'll try. No one is perfect!)