Run It Out with Robin Arzon


Back in 2013, I interviewed up and coming fitness superstar, Robin Arzon. She has since skyrocketed to big things in the fitness world and I couldn't be more proud to know her and have crossed paths with her. She is a lawyer turned ultra marathoner, fitness writer, spin instructor and all around ambassador of sweat and living life to the fullest. Her energy and drive is contagious. If you haven't heard, there is an amazing documentary coming out about her journey from filmmaker Tara Darby. Run It Out follows Robin's quest to run five marathons in five days across Utah to raise funds for MS research. It also chronicles traumas in her past and shows why she is such an inspiring and unstoppable force in the fitness world.

See the trailer now:


The film is in final production and has a kickstarter campaign going on now to raise the final funds necessary to complete the film. Whether you can support the film or not, go check out the trailer and follow Robin's journey. Be inspired!